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GS Medical


Inflatable Bone Expander Syringe

TRACKER-X Inflatable Bone Expander Syringe by GS Medical is a 20ml disposable device with an integral pressure gauge, threaded piston assembly with a handle, a flexible high pressure extension tube, a 20ml locking syringe which is included for transfer of contrast media and a three-way valve for medium pressure.


Contact ViettuongMedic for support

(+8428) 3811 5622


- Ergonomically designed with accuracy and quality in mind, GS Medical inflation devices are available in custom kit configurations.
- Easily idendify current situation with distinct color indicator.
- Analog pressure gauge helps to indicate current pressure.
Max. pressure is 350PSI.


- Operating range: O ATM (0 PSI) -
24.6 ATM (350 PSI)
- Accuracy: ±10% of full scale
- Liquid Temperature: 10℃ to 40℃
- Humidity Operation Range: 35% to 65%(RH)
Non-condensing humidity

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